The following is an abbreviated excerpt from the Axis Global Turnaround Planning & Execution Process (TPEP). Documents are copy right materials and are not to be reproduced or distributed without the written permission of Axis Global Consulting Services, LLC.
Axis Global Consulting Services, LLC
1100 Poydras, Suite 1300
New Orleans, LA 70163
Most turnaround problems typically stem from two distinct causes; the first being inappropriate assignment of roles & responsibilities and the second is an inadequate exchange of information between participants. These two factors combine to inhibit the collaborative effort required to meet the complex challenge of managing efficient turnarounds.
The key elements to providing continuity, consistency and alignment is the formation of a dedicated management organization. This entry will discuss the recommended best practices for the formation of the Turnaround Management Organization.
The key elements to success are the formation of a T/A Steering Team and a cross-functional T/A Core Team. The Steering Team is responsible for maintaining high-level oversight of the T/A efforts in accordance to the long range strategy.
Below is a sample Steering Team organization chart (generic)
The Core Team is responsible for the detailed planning and implementation of the established strategy. The Core Team must work together as the scope, schedule and execution plan come together.
The functions represented on the Team provide checks and balances as the full scope and plan is assembled. The end result is a Team plan, not a sum of several parts.
The Core Team members are responsible for prioritizing and bringing their departmental action items generated during the planning phases to the respective parties in their department. They should report and follow-up on these actions items.
The Core Team must have a functional leader or facilitator. This person schedules the Team meetings, keeps the master scope, schedules, etc., and develops the agenda for meetings (with presenters) for updates to the Steering Committee. This functional leader is normally the Turnaround Manager.
Below is a sample Core Team organization chart (generic)